Scuba Diver Articles
by Anne and Phil Medcalf
We have written a number of articles about underwater photography for Scuba Diver magazine over the years. Below are the links to everything we have produced so far, including entire articles and contributions to their Shoot Like A Pro series.
MAin UNDERWATER PHOTOgraphy Articles
LETS GET Flash. AN INtroduction to using STrobes
Underwater Etiquette. How good manners and better behaviour can help underwater photographers get on with one another and other divers
The Right Stuff. What to consider when buying a camera and housing for underwater photography
Background? Check! How thinking about the background can add a new dimension to your underwater images
Diving into Colour. the importance of colur in underwater photography and how to make the most of it in your pictures
Know your subject. Understanding marine life behaviour will help you get the images you want
We take a lot of images specifically for articles and blogs, so it’s a nice change to take pictures of things like this blenny rather than a diver with a camera setup.
Shoot Like A Pro
How we got started taking pictures underwater
equipment we use
our Pre-Dive and Evening Routines on Trips
Getting in and out of the water with a Camera, HOW to ATTACH it TO Yourself and what TO DO with IT BETWeen DIVEs
Things to do before and after underwater photography Trips
Travelling with camera setups and how to pack
Velvet swimming crab
If you found these articles helpful check out our blog for more info about underwater photography and if you have subject or question you would like to be covered in the future please drop us an email at
We’re available to write articles for magazines and websites. Use the email address above to contact us to discuss this.