I did a talk on Facebook Live last week about books for divers and underwater photographers. I just plundered my own collection for a few interesting choices that I’d recommend. Here’s the uncut video hosted by Facebook. Apologies for the 50 second delay before I get started. I’ll list the books and authors below and where possible give a link to them on Amazon.
If you are interested in buying any of the books we are an Amazon Associate which means when you click through a link on here and make a purchase you will be helping to fund us to make more videos, write blogs and run the Alphamarine Photography Q and A Facebook group.
Underwater Photography Masterclass by Alex Mustard
Stars Beneath the Sea by Trevor Norton
Winning Images With Any Underwater Camera by Paul Colley
Red Sea Diver’s Guide Volume Two by Shlomo and Roni Cohen, out of print (linked, two used copies available on 29th May 2020)
The Diving Photographer by James Dawson, Dray van Beeck and Johan Boshoff, out of print and not available used on Amazon
The Darkness Beckons by Martyn Farr
There Are Giants in the Sea by Michael Bright, out of print and not available used on Amazon
Divers by Jon May
Caverns Measureless to Man by Sheck Exley, out of print and very expensive used!
The Photographer’s Eye by Michael Freeman
Also by Michael Freeman and mentioned by me:The Photographer’s Mind and The Photographer’s Vison
Diver by Tony Groom
Collins Coral Reef Guide Red Sea by Ewald Lieske and Robert F. Myers
Top 100 British Shore Dives by Anita Sherwood, out of print (linked but no copies available on 29th May 2020)
Nudibranchs of the World by Helmut Debelius & Rudie H. Kuiter
Muddy Puddles edited by Linda Spashett, very out of print!
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Thanks for watching and if you’d like to help support me doing more talks like this go to my ‘buy me a coffee page to donate. Be aware links to MPB, Wex or eBay listings are affiliate links and we get a small percentage if you buy something through them.